Garden Gathering 20th Feb. 2019
This week we were fortunate to have our very own local Yates rep., Michael Rook, come and talk to us about garden pesticides and herbicides with a focus on our favourite range of eco products. Any one who would like to learn more about this range is welcome to call in to the garden centre and we will happily show them our recommendations for better, safer, gardening. Below are a few words on some of the issues discussed by Mike.
- The herbicide Round-up (glyphosate) has received bad publicity recently following legal action in the US and it is very likely that its days are numbered here in Australia. In readiness for this Yates have purchased OCP (Organic Crop Protectants) who have formulated Slasher – an organic non-selective contact weed killer. Whilst being very quick and effective, it does not penetrate through to underground roots so repeat sprays will be necessary. (Anyone who has used glyphosate knows that even with it the first plant to eventually re-generate will be, yes, more weeds!!)
- Bees – easily killed or harmed by just about anything! Therefore, if you have to use sprays on your plants be sure to do it after the bees have gone to bed, i.e. early evening, and preferably not at all if the plant is in full flower. Confidor (active ingredient imidacloprid) has been banned in some places as it is taken up systemically by plants and can therefore harm bees via the flower pollen. (Note: it works both systemically and by contact).
- Mode of action of pesticides can be by contact – needs to be applied to the pest; residual – will stay on the plant for a little while; systemic – is taken up by the plant and therefore kills anything that nibbles the plant. In some products all modes of action may be present.
- Use eco-seaweed. It is more concentrated, a better product, and better value than other seaweed products.
- Save your fruit by identifying fruit fly by use of the trap which will attract and catch the males. If present spray with spinosad (eco-naturalure) .to kill the females which do all the damage.
- Recommended non-organic fungicides are copper oxychloride (if no fruit or flowers present) otherwise mancozeb. For an organic alternative try eco-fungicide.
- Clove oil to repel geckos
- Deep watering every 5-7 days much better than more frequent shallow watering.
- Best product to work on nutgrass is Sempra.
- A question was asked about burrs in the lawn. It is worth remembering that a healthy lawn or plant is much more able to deal with competition or disease. Fertilising a lawn will often exclude the need for pesticide, but important to use an organic based fertiliser.
“The best thing you can do for your garden is to let go of the idea of it being perfect”
JLS for TGC 22/2/2019